Kids 4 Christ

Kids 4 Christ Ministry @ SRFBC                                                                                

MUSIC: 2/3 - Madison Burkholder

ARTS & CRAFTS: 2/10 - Mary Beth Miller

DRAMA: 2/17 - Sabrina Andrus

Bible Drill: 2/24 - Carolina Burkholder














 Carolina Burkholder, Children's Ministry Director

Daniel, Carolina, Madison, Micah

I was born May 19, 1980 in Brooklyn New York and lived there for 17 years.  I was a member of First Spanish Baptist Church of Brooklyn.  I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior on September 1, 1990 and dedicated my life to serving Him in the field of Children's Ministry.  I became very active with Children's Bible Club and Vacation Bible School.  My family and I moved to Mobile, Alabama in the summer of 1997 and became members of Cross Roads Baptist Church.  While attending the University of South Alabama in 1999 I met my husband, George Daniel Burkholder.  We were married on December 26, 2000.  We have been blessed with two beautiful children, Madison Danielle Burkholder now 17 years old and Micah James Excenober Burkholder now 16 years old. 

 We have been members of Snow Road First Baptist Church for ten years and we are very active in our church.  I've been serving as a Sunday School teacher for nine years and the Director of Vacation Bible School for the last eight years.  The Lord opened the door for me to serve as the Children's Ministry Director and I absolutely love my job!  I can see how much the kids in the "K4C," Kids for Christ Ministry have grown in the Lord during this past year.  This year our Children's Ministry Leadership Team and I have great plans for the children! 

I believe children are our future and the future of the New Testament Church.  We teach the WORD of GOD.  We do this in a variety of ways: through Music, Drama, Arts & Crafts, Bible Drills, Children's Church and a variety of activities during the year.

SRFBC believes in the importance of our future, which is our children.  The Children's Ministry along with other ministries are vital.  We offer Sunday School, Children's Church, Children's Activities, Children in Action (CIA's), Mission Friends (MF's) and Royal Ambassadors (RA's).  When you visit with us you will see the love and care that our teachers give to our children.

"Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."  (Matthew 19:14)


Children's Church meets every Sunday Morning for Children's Worship

Our children enjoy Arts and Crafts, Bible Study, Music, Puppets, Bible Drill, Videos, the Play Ground and Refreshments.

The children spend part of their time in adult worship and then they are dismissed for Children's Worship.

Your child will have a great experience in Children's Church.


Easter Party
Summer Activities
Hay Rides
VBS - Vacation Bible School
End of School Activities
Back to School Activities
Easter Musicals
Christmas Party / Christmas Musicals & Drama
Baptist Children's Home Christmas
Picnics at the Park
And much more!

CHILDREN'S CHURCH~  We have Children's Church every Sunday morning at 11:00am.  We alternate every week with DRAMA, ARTS & CRAFTS, MUSIC, BIBLE DRILL, BIBLE GAMES, MOVIES and more.






 Mary Beth Miller, Arts & Crafts Teacher







Sabrina Andrus, Drama Teacher


Our children are also involved in Missions every Wednesday night at 7:00pm...



 Leaders:  Martha & Sean Graham